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Magic Tower - Tower Defence

You are a magician, the guardian of a tower, and your mission is to protect it. Defend this ancient tower from determined enemies. This fascinating universe offers you the chance to master a wide range of magic and spells, with no less than eight types of damage and four powerful incantations. Each upgrade choice, accessible via a complex system of ten different levels, will influence the destiny of your turn. In this game, your strategic skills will be put to the test, as you not only have to fend off waves of attackers, but also optimize your magical resources, notably by collecting precious crystals. Your sagacity will be your best ally as you work your way through the menus, gaining an in-depth understanding of each magical element and enhancement. As your experience grows, dare to increase the difficulty for ever more exhilarating challenges and greater rewards. Are you ready to become the ultimate defender of the magic tower? Enjoy the game!

Categories: Strategy / Defend


Magic Tower - Tower Defence

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